Campground Work-Days 
9am* Saturdays July 6th & July 13th
Other Saturdays & Weekdays...
Text (860)836-0343 to schedule
  *prayer walks 8:30am

DCMA is an Association of Christian Volunteers

Although Douglass Camp-Meeting began in 1875,
Douglas Camp-Meeting Association was established in 1890 to involve many in the ongoing ministry of the Campmeeting.
To help at camp, let us know your abilities & availability 
email or text (860)836-0343
We offer opportunities to support the work of our Committees (listed below).
Also, during Annual CampMeeting, there are many opportunities to serve. along with our other volunteers.
TBD: The 2024 Annual CampMtg Organizational Meeting & Tasks Day is currently scheduled for 9:30am Saturday, June 1st (alternate date June 8, 2024).

DCMA Committees and Upcoming Committee Dates

The DCMA Board has authorized the Following Committees

 (Dates of next scheduled meetings are with parenthesis):


Buildings & Grounds

Secretary - Steve Poole

(Noon Sat. Nov.18, 2023 @DH)

(Next Mtg: ___) 


B&G Work Days:

Most Saturdays - weekdays as well.

Text (860)836-0343 to schedule 


Hospitality & Housekeeping

Secretary - Patricia Mercado

(9:30am Sat. June 1st @DH)


Praise & Prayer

6pm Wed. Prayer (call in)

prayer prior to most workdays

periodic prayer by phone

Coordinator - Tim Laflin


Finance & Fund-raising


Communications & Publicity


Family Ministry

Secretary - Joyce Lombardo

(3pm Sat. Nov. 18, 2023 @DH)

(11am Jan.6th to plan Kids Seminar)

May 4th Kids Ministry Seminar at DCM


Family Co-op Retreat 

Sunday, May 26th late afternoon - thru Monday 27th

  (see "Spring Family Day #2" page)



Contact us if you'd like to be involved or to visit as a guest.  Text (860)840-6564 / (860)836-0343



DCMA Membership Info/Form

DCMA Officers, Board Members and Meeting Dates

Until July 28, 2024 Annual Mtg.:



Dave Blaney (President)

Patricia Mercado (Secretary)

Paul Cnossen (Treasurer*)



Paul Cnossen (President Emeritus)

Dave Blaney

Patricia Mercado

Cheryl Bowden

Jeanie Gagne

Marie Warrender

Tim Scott

Charlene Gould

Mike Hammond

Steve Poole

Kalee Mead

Tim Laflin

(as of May 2nd,2024)



Non-board Assistant Treasurer - Lori Smith


Next Scheduled Board Meetings:

5:30pm Saturday, June 1, 2024

Preceded by 4:30 Supper Together 

              and 5pm **Sharing Together


What does "encampment" mean (as relates to DCM)
and what examples do you find in the Scriptures.




5:30 Sat. April 6th

7:30pm Sat. Dec.30th (after "Family Day" event)

Fall Mtg.Part 2 regarding Treasurer position,

  and DCMA receiving of 29 South. St. cottage


Summer 2024 Board Meeting:

__pm Saturday, August 17th, 2024?


Future Topics:

"What would Revival look like?"

What attracts folks to come and seek God at DCM?” & “What hinders folks from coming to seek God at DCM?

Or continuation of:  "Name something(s) that we probably all agree on about DCM"


Douglas Camp-Meeting Association Members

July 2023 - July 2024

Association Members

Jean and Dan Gagne
Robert and Marie Warrender
Dave and Roberta Blaney
Greg Poirier 
Doug and Cheryl Bowden
Paul and Marge Cnossen
Penny Rendeir
Nancy Gould
Sandra Maynard *
Maria Santana
Dave Heughins *
Tim Scott
Barry Seymour *
Steve Poole
Tim Laflin
John Morgan *

Mike Hammond

James Grimshaw

Charlene Gould
Patricia Mercado
Chris Mead *
Kalee Mead *

*Received into Membership at July 29, 2023 Annual Meeting


The following have paid but are not yet admitted (interviewed):

Kathy Morgan, Stoner Smith, Lori Smith


Adopt-A-Cabin to Care For

We offer Adopt-A-Cabin opportunities to care for our cabins (Pastoral recommendation required to be an Adopter)
Option "A" One-time $350 plus $75 in supplies annually provides your use of cabin for 100% off during CampMtgs for years.
Option "B" One-time $150 plus $75 in supplies annually provides your use of cabin for 50% off during CampMtg for years.
   (note: $5 per day/night Electricity Usage Fee if you use an A/C)
Email to request the Agreement Form