DCM welcomes Jerry & Jan Coleman for most of our 2025 services and Bible studies.
 Rev. Jerry & Jan Coleman
 Rev. Jerry Coleman is the Director of the Francis Asbury Society International

In 1988 he received a deep personal call from the Lord Jesus for the nations. With a love for the people of all cultures, Jerry directs an initiative to equip leaders from across the globe with resources for proclaiming the life-giving message of holiness, which is the self-giving love of God.

For 17 years, Jerry and his wife, Jan, served as missionaries in Europe and he has had the opportunity to preach and teach in over 50 countries.

Jerry was a part of an amazing move of God known as the 2023 Asbury Revival.

To hear more of their story, read Jerry’s book, One Way Ticket: Leaving Home for Good.


Join us at Campmeeting ...bring your Bible and an open heart

Ministry of The Word and Worship throughout the encampment.


Evening Services:

Weekdays 7PM  (music begins 6:45) 

Weekends: 6PM  (Sat. & Sunday) 

Join us in our Dining Hall after services for

Fellowship and affordable refreshments


Sundays Mornings:

10:30AM Service  preceded by 10AM Hymn-Sing


10AM Daily Bible Studies

and VBS for Kids


Prayer Meetings 7:30am & 30 minutes before services


Flag Raising 9am followed by Family Devotions

Campmeeting Crafters 1-3pm daily

Parent Quiet-Hour available 3-4pm daily (sign-up)

Family Activities every afternoon


 Parents, please make sure that your children are with you and safe at all times.

Note: Recreational activities close 10 minutes prior to all services & studies.

Please limit public use of cellphones and we strongly urge no use by youth.

Please Read "On-Site Essentials" on Accommodations page.


Bookstore is open 1/2 hour before & after services


We gather together daily at

10am in DiningHall  and for Evening Services


"Campmeeting Crafters"  1pm-3pm Daily (children must be accompanied)

Previously: Gospel bracelets;  Card-Making;  Pot-holder Quilting;  Canvas painting;  Painting Wooden Figures,...

Also coming,150th Anniversary quilt and tableware ...


You are welcome to come and bring others!


We are Cross-denominational & Christ-Centered.

All are welcome to our annual ten-day July Campmeeting.

We also host Church Retreat Rentals.

P.O.Box 503
25 South St.
Douglas, MA 01516