9am Saturday, APRIL 26th 2025
9am Monday, MAY 26th 2025
(with prior-evening Overnight options)
The purpose of our Family Events
is to Encourage One Another
As We Seek Christ Together.
Activities, Worship, Fellowship, Service Projects, Devotions, Games, Food, Activities, Growth Sessions, ...
Bring a meaningful Scripture (or Christian lyric) to share.
Come prayed up and bring others
Our Family Retreats are typically run as simple co-ops
where each parent takes on a role as we exhibit "community" to the next generation.
A projected schedule jells into the actual schedule after adults have signed-up for their roles
(Grandmas, Grandpas, Aunts, Uncles, Young adults,... you are also welcome!).
Click on "Upcoming" or Photos of past retreats
Typical Family Retreat Roles:
Greeter & Coord.Bible-verses ___
Collect snacks/juices ___
$ Registrar ___
Accommodations ___
Lead Icebreaker ___
Worship ___, ___, ___
Devotional(s) ___
Growth Groups ___
Kids Ministry ___, ___
Prep. Good News Chapel ___
Help w/Toddlers ___
Meals ___, ___
Meals Assistants ___, ___
Exterior Grill ___
Beverages ___
Campfire ___
Tech-person ___
Grounds Work-leader ___
Take trash home ___, ___
Bottles/Cans/Recyclables ___
Interior Restroom ___
Exterior Restrooms ___
Keep Outside Tidy ___
Clean Kitchen ___
Clean Tables/Chairs ___
Sweep Floors ___
Arrange Furniture ___
Mop Floors ___
Lights-Off &Thermostat ___
Lead Flag Raising & Lowering ___
Lead Off-site Service Project ___
Lead Instrumentalists ___
Lead Talent Show ___
Lead Crafts ___
Lead Bike Hike ___
Lead Field-Games ___
Lead Laser Tag ___
Lead Archery ___
Oversee Fishing ___
Oversee Ice-Skating ___
Oversee BBall&GagaBall ___
Oversee Sidewalk chalk ___
Lead Frisbee Golf ___
Lead R/C Acrivities ___
Lead Geocaching ___
Email DCMA1875@gmail.com or Text (860)836-0343 if you'd like to discuss your involvement
Email: DCMA1875@gmail.com for details
Text: (860)836-0343
Possible future dates: May 2&3, 2025?; May 25&26?; July 3-5?