9am Saturday, APRIL 26th 2025

9am Monday, MAY 26th 2025

(with prior-evening Overnight options)

God sets the lonely in families *

The purpose of our Family Events

is to Encourage One Another

As We Seek Christ Together.


Activities, Worship,  Fellowship, Service Projects, Devotions, Games, Food, Activities, Growth Sessions, ...

 Bring a meaningful Scripture (or Christian lyric) to share.

  Come prayed up and bring others


Our Family Retreats are typically run as simple co-ops

where each parent takes on a role as we exhibit "community" to the next generation. 

A projected schedule jells into the actual schedule after adults have signed-up for their roles

 (Grandmas, Grandpas, Aunts, Uncles, Young adults,... you are also welcome!).


Click on "Upcoming" or Photos of past retreats


Typical Family Retreat Roles:

Greeter & Coord.Bible-verses ___

Collect snacks/juices ___

$ Registrar ___

Accommodations ___

Lead Icebreaker ___

Worship ___, ___, ___

Devotional(s) ___

Growth Groups ___

Kids Ministry ___, ___

Prep. Good News Chapel ___

Help w/Toddlers ___

Meals ___, ___

Meals Assistants ___, ___

Exterior Grill ___

Beverages ___

Campfire ___

Tech-person ___

Grounds Work-leader ___

Take trash home ___, ___

Bottles/Cans/Recyclables ___

Interior Restroom ___

Exterior Restrooms ___

Keep Outside Tidy ___

Clean Kitchen ___

Clean Tables/Chairs ___

Sweep Floors ___

Arrange Furniture ___

Mop Floors ___

Lights-Off &Thermostat ___


Lead Flag Raising & Lowering ___

Lead Off-site Service Project ___

Lead Instrumentalists ___

Lead Talent Show ___

Lead Crafts ___

Lead Bike Hike ___

Lead Field-Games ___

Lead Laser Tag ___

Lead Archery ___

Oversee Fishing ___

Oversee Ice-Skating ___

Oversee BBall&GagaBall ___

Oversee Sidewalk chalk ___

Lead Frisbee Golf ___

Lead R/C Acrivities ___

Lead Geocaching ___


Email or Text (860)836-0343 if you'd like to discuss your involvement








Email: for details

Text: (860)836-0343

Possible future dates: May 2&3, 2025?;  May 25&26?;  July 3-5?


We are Cross-denominational & Christ-Centered.

All are welcome to our annual ten-day July Campmeeting.

We also host Church Retreat Rentals.

P.O.Box 503
25 South St.
Douglas, MA 01516