I once was lost but now I am saved with Jesus ANY thing is possible |
The Saturday evening service, accompanied by wonderful music was highlighted by the guest appearance of Michael Kropman. Kropman gave an overview of his life as a hardened criminal. He explained that he grew up as a physically abused child in a Jewish home and by the age of nine, he wanted to beat his father to death. But God had other plans. -Michael just didn’t know it. As life went on he was arrested a number of times and was in and out of jail because he knew how to work the system. Finally he was arrested as part of a sting involving 350 others for possession of drugs, weapons and conspiracy to commit murder. While serving the sentence, he met an inmate who hit him in the face with a Gideon Bible. His first reaction was to “nail him” but then the inmate invited him to church. Chicko, as he was known, was not inclined to go to church but remember that church had pretty gospel singers. So he went and at the service “Chicko’s life was changed forever. He cried in church, but wasn’t sure why. Later when he “returned to the hole” the Chaplin stopped by and when Chicko discussed what happen, the Chaplin – said you found Jesus—He is real. That day was a turning point. Chicko began studying the King James Bible and his life was changed forever. He began to seek a life pleasing to God and ways of the past where in the past. Today Michael writes and sings gospel songs and is a Chaplin at three prisons. He is proud to be introduced as Pastor Mike. He also told about how he forgave his dad and in the last year before his dad passed away he had the pleasure of leading his dad to the Lord. He said, “I am proof that all things are possible with God”. Following his testimony Michael played his guitar and sang a wonderful inspirational song that he had written about his Lord. Then he was off to prison- not to stay- but to visit and preach to others about the wonderful cleansing power of Jesus. What a wonderful way to begin another Holy Service in the Holy Tabernacle as the 134th meeting of Douglas Camp draws near.