Great Gospel Singing Has Been a Nightly Event |
The final Sunday morning service of DCM 2009 was weaved with wonderful music by the camp orchestra and the Hammer/Vatral singing quartet along with Rebecca Hammer. Bud Meyers offered opening pray. Dr. Neihof’s theme was’ the beauty of Holiness contrasted by the ugliness of sin. He weaved though the Holy Bible citing verse after verse to hammer home the importance of Holiness and how we should live a Holy life so others will desire to have what we have. He said, "people need examples" and gave a number of metaphors to clarify his point. Dr. Neihof proceeded to highlight seven critical points or components of Holiness. The seven-preaching/teaching points included: Purity, Harmony, Humility (and Pride), Christ Likeness, Consecration, Love and Health. It was another great message of Holiness followed by an alter call and a closing hymn of “Oh To be Like Thee”. Following the alter call and passionate prayers by those seeking God, all adjourned to the old dining hall for one final “pot luck luncheon” and a wonderful time of Holiness fellowship.